Waking up at night to urinate is a condition called nocturia. But as your Wake Number (the number of times you wake at night to urinate) increases, so does the impact. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer in silence. Nocturia is treatable, and you can do something about it.
That’s why keeping track of your Wake Number is so important.
Take the Wake Number QuizWaking up 2 or more times
a night to urinate may affect up to
70 million adults in the U.S.—22% of the population.
A study of over 9000 adults revealed:
A Wake Number is the number of times you are waking up during the night
to urinate. The more times you wake up, the more frustrating it can become.
But you don't have to suffer in silence because you can do something about it.
It all starts with your Wake Number.
Where are you on the Wake Number scale?
Waking up 2 or more times a night to urinate could also mean that your nocturia is due to
nocturnal polyuria (NP), a condition that causes your kidneys to produce too much urine at night.
That’s another reason why keeping track of your Wake Number is so important.
Your Wake Number should also be part of a discussion with your doctor about
your symptoms—along with the results of your Wake Number Quiz.
Though an overactive bladder (OAB) or an enlarged prostate (BPH)
are major causes of nocturia, the leading cause is NP.
NP differs from OAB and BPH in an important way: it affects the kidneys. With NP, a natural hormone in your body called vasopressin (vaz-o-press-in) becomes impaired at night. This hormone imbalance stops your kidneys from reabsorbing water as they normally would, causing them to produce more urine at night. This can lead to frequent nighttime bathroom visits.
NP is the leading cause of nocturia and is found in up to 88% of patients with nocturia.*
*Based on completed frequency-volume charts.
Completing the Wake Number Quiz can help you uncover a condition you may have.
Take the Wake Number QuizAnother telltale sign of NP is high urine volume (feeling like you're passing a large amount of urine
each time you pee). In NP, this high urine volume usually occurs only at night. Your doctor can help you
determine if you have this condition by measuring the amount of urine you produce over 24 hours.
of daily urine total
in patients younger than 65
of daily urine total
in patients older than 65
A Voiding Diary ("voiding" is a more clinical term for urination) can help
you and your doctor further evaluate your condition.
There's also a good chance that if you have been diagnosed
with OAB or BPH, you may also have NP. Studies show:
When treating your nocturia, the bladder and the prostate aren't always the right target.
OAB and BPH medications may not help because NP affects the kidneys.
If your Wake Number continues to be 2 or higher—
talk to your doctor.
After clicking through and answering the 5 questions below, your completed Wake Number Quiz will appear. Print it out and
use it to have a discussion with your doctor about what could be causing your frequent nighttime urination.
If you are experiencing frequent nighttime urination, answer a few questions and share the results with your doctor.
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. Take this guide to your doctor and start a conversation.
The Voiding Diary is another tool you and your doctor can use to further evaluate your nighttime
urination condition. Print and use these pages and bring them to your doctor to have a discussion.
Remember that your condition may be treatable, and you don't have to suffer in silence.